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Compare everything about Toilets - Page 6

Title Color(s) Bowl Shape Width Configuration Gallons Per Flush Bowl Height
Duravit D13018 Duravit D13018 White, White/WonderGliss Elongated 27.19 Two Piece --- 15.5
Kohler K-4460-C Kohler K-4460-C Almond, Biscuit, Black, Ice Grey, Mexican Sand, Sandbar, White Elongated 14 Bowl Only 3.5 15
Kohler K-4368 Kohler K-4368 Almond, Biscuit, Black, Ice Grey, Mexican Sand, Sandbar, White Elongated 14.5 Bowl Only --- 17.5
Kohler K-14261-FL Kohler K-14261-FL White Elongated 20.5 One Piece 1.6 16.5
PROFLO PFCT103HE PROFLO PFCT103HE White Elongated 15.75 Two Piece 1.28 17
PROFLO PFCT101HE PROFLO PFCT101HE White Elongated 15.75 Two Piece 1.28 14.63
Duravit 015609 Duravit 015609 Pergamon/WonderGliss, White/WonderGliss Elongated 14.25 Bowl Only --- 15.75
Duravit D14037 Duravit D14037 White Elongated 14.33 Two Piece 1.28 16
Duravit 220009 Duravit 220009 White with WonderGliss, White without WonderGliss Elongated 14.38 Bowl Only --- 15.75
Kohler K-14239-PS Kohler K-14239-PS Biscuit Elongated 18 Two Piece 1.6 15
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