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Title Color(s) Bowl Shape Width Configuration Gallons Per Flush Bowl Height
Toto MS864114 Toto MS864114 Bone, Colonial White, Cotton, Ebony, Gray, Sedona Beige Elongated 16.5 One Piece 1.6 14.63
Duravit 016301 Duravit 016301 White Elongated 13.78 One Piece 1.28 15
Toto MS854114EL Toto MS854114EL Bone, Colonial White, Cotton, Sedona Beige Elongated 16.5 One Piece 1.28 16.5
Duravit 210301 Duravit 210301 White Elongated 14.75 One Piece 1.28 16.5
Toto MS934304EF Toto MS934304EF Bone, Colonial White, Cotton, Ebony, Sedona Beige Elongated 18.63 One Piece 1.28 16.13
Toto CT418FG Toto CT418FG Cotton White Elongated 14.19 Bowl Only 0.8, 1.6 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Duravit 015609 Duravit 015609 Pergamon/WonderGliss, White/WonderGliss Elongated 14.25 Bowl Only --- 15.75
Duravit 210109 Duravit 210109 White/WonderGliss Elongated 17.13 Bowl Only --- ---
Duravit 220009 Duravit 220009 White with WonderGliss, White without WonderGliss Elongated 14.38 Bowl Only --- 15.75
Duravit 021009 Duravit 021009 White/WonderGliss Round 16.13 Bowl Only --- 12.4016, 15.75
Results 121 - 130 of   149
