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Title Color(s) Bowl Shape Width Configuration Gallons Per Flush Bowl Height
Toto CST424SFG Toto CST424SFG Cotton Elongated 18.5 Two Piece 1.6 16.25
Toto CST424EF Toto CST424EF Bone, Colonial White, Cotton, Ebony, Gray, Sedona Beige Elongated 18.5 Two Piece 1.28 16.25
Toto MS924154F Toto MS924154F Bone, Colonial White, Cotton, Ebony, Gray, Sedona Beige Elongated 18.38 One Piece 1.6 16.13
Porcher 90200-01 Porcher 90200-01 White Elongated 18.25 Two Piece 1.6 16.63
Pegasus TL1940E Pegasus TL1940E Biscuit, White Elongated 18.13 One Piece 1.6 15.75
Toto MS974224CEFG Toto MS974224CEFG Bone, Colonial White, Cotton, Sedona Beige Elongated 18 One Piece 1.28 16.13
Toto CST794EF-PL Toto CST794EF-PL Plum Tree Elongated 17.88 Two Piece 1.28 17.13
Toto CST794EF-ML Toto CST794EF-ML Maple Leaf Elongated 17.88 Two Piece 1.28 17.13
Toto CST794EF-PP Toto CST794EF-PP Pine Tree Elongated 17.88 Two Piece 1.28 17.13
Toto CST794EF-SH Toto CST794EF-SH Bamboo and Plum Elongated 17.88 Two Piece 1.28 17.13
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